Sunday, August 29, 2010

counting my blessings

Thinking of what to write on my blog, I told myself that instead of ranting about the things that didn't go well in my life for the past year, I've decided to stay away from negativity and look at the brighter side of life.  Upon doing that, my heart was filled with thanksgiving and joy.  I just thank God for all the blessings that came my way and will be coming in :)  You see, there are things that I've been praying about for the longest time and God answered it in His own perfect time.  

First, I got to travel a) with my siblings to another country within Asia lang naman and that was Oct last year.  We had a really good time bonding together and visiting foreign places. b) with my friends from the office in the beautiful island of Boracay last April of this year.  We were able to experience different kinds of watersports that Bora has to offer like parasailing, reef walking, snorkeling, island hopping, zip line and ATV.  We also tried the famous Jonah's fruitshakes.  It was superb! Will post pictures soon :)
Second, I was able to live on my own. Moving out from my folks' house was a tough one because it entails bigger responsibility, discipline and becoming wiser on making my own decisions.  I'm just thrilled that for almost 3 months now, I can say that I'm doing a pretty good job standing on my own 2 feet without relying on my family.

Third, this was not actually for me but for my Pop.  Having his second-chance in love. Naks!  After being widowed for 23 years, he finally ties the knot for the second time last June 25 of this year.  And we, his children supported him on this decision.  Although at first, we were hesitant to agree on it but after seeing him being so happy with his new found love, we had no choice but to support them and be happy for them.

Fourth, landing on a new job in an international company that requires me to be deployed off-shore for a project.  More chika soon... :)

Fifth, loving someone who keeps me inspired all this time.  Yehess naman!

There are still a lot of things that I am thankful and grateful for.  Truly, blessings do come in big and small packages.  So however big or small it can be, we should learn how to be thankful for it and count our blessings. AMEN!

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