Friday, February 18, 2011

going back to the Lion City

Last year 2010, I only got to travel domestic: Boracay, Tagaytay, Cebu. My last out of the country flight was 2009 in Singapore together with my siblings.  For this year 2011, I've found myself traveling back to the Lion City with a different companion... and that is with my Dude.  Sooo excited to see the new tourist destinations in Singapore like the newly opened Universal Studios and the Marina Bay Sands.  Will blog about it after the trip.  I'll be back in a bit :)


Thursday, February 17, 2011


My cousin is getting married next month in Canada, and so she asked me if I can send her scanned baby and growing up pictures of her to be used on their wedding AVP.  As me and my sister were going through her photo album, I've found some pictures of us cousins way, way back!  It's such a nice experience looking on old photos and reminiscing the past that goes with it. We are laughing out loud by just looking our childhood photos. Can you find me on these pictures? hehe!

rebantad cousins chillin' by the seashore

can you find me?

catterpillar ride sa perya with siblings and cousins

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

our valentine date :)

Yesterday's occasion was all about spreading the love and receiving it at the same time. For me, this was my first valentine having someone to share it with... yiiheee! :) 
Prior to this day, it did not occur to me into celebrating this very commercialized day, as I was mending a broken-heart a few weeks back.  But after we've patched things up, I was excited for the day to come!  And so it came...
At exactly 12:00 midnight of 02/14/2011, my phone received a text message coming from him saying the simplest words a girl like me wanted to hear/read during Vday. But as sleepyhead as I am, I only got to read it in the morning. haha! I texted him back reciprocating the love thru text. The day had passed, around 5:30PM, I was looking for him in my gtalk chat but he was in offline mode. I thought he just restarted his laptop, so I just get on with my task in the office. I checked on him again at 6PM and he was still in offline mode, so I send him an email... still no reply :(  I was now a bit anxious if our date will push through or not.  I don't have a load at the time so I was compelled to go down and re-load to text him if our date will push through.  His reply was that he's now in Makati and that I always spoil his surprises *wink wink*.  It made me jump into my feet and rush to the comfort room to re-touch and "magmaganda" haha!  After braving the Makati traffic, he was able to make it in my office building carrying a box of 1 long stemmed pink rose and a gift, which by just feeling it was a teddy bear haha! sooo highschool!!! but I loved it ♥♥♥... 

And for our dinner date, we went to Greenbelt 3 to scour for a nice dining place. We stopped at Recipes by CafĂ© Metro that serves local cuisine, mostly given an interesting twist. 

We  ordered the Crispy Tilapia, Chili Prawns, Gising-Gising and Seafood rice. It was a sumptuous dinner shared with my love :) 

After the dinner, we had a little chit-chat and then he walked me to the terminal where my ride home is. End of story! haha... That was it, a simple gesture of showing his love to me which I truly appreciated and felt.  The smile on my face won't go away even if I'm already in my bed ready to doze off into  my sleep :) :) :)  Thanks again to my Dude for the Valentine gift and the effort that you've put through on that day.  So let me end this entry by leaving these 3 characters dedicated to My Dude... I ♥ U  cheesy! :p

Friday, February 11, 2011

something beautiful

It's Valentine's Day once again, and this is the time of the year when lovers get cheesy to each other. So this is my share to that cheesiness that will be going around this weekend and on Monday haha!!!

Coming from a 2-week break up then reconciliation, hope this is for keeps. Thanks to our Sabre friends for reuniting us :)  This is Dude and Me... Enjoy!

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