Tuesday, June 18, 2013

we're engaged!!!

Today, I'm starting fresh again. My blogging has been neglected for quite sometime now which I am not happy about. I've been meaning to start all over again but the pressure at work keep on coming, hence having my 0 time to blog.

But today is a special day and is soooo very much blog worthy!!! I'm entering a new milestone in my adult life and that is something I would like to document here. Well folks, today, my best friend, my chatmate, my textmate, my perennial date, my confidante and my lover all rolled into 1 has asked me to marry him on his birthday. Yes, you read that right! It was a double celebration for us as we end up celebrating not only his birthday but also our engagement.  I will be a misis soooon! *kilig to the bones* *blush*  I'm super over to the moon now. I can't go back to earth haha! I want to savor every bit of this feeling. I want to box it up and make sure that this feeling stays the same even after many years have passed :)

Thank you Lord for this blessing and for the answered prayers. You make all things fall into place on your own perfect time! wiiiiii!!!

Dude and his another baby...
the baby back ribs! nyehehe!
Wuma-wine din pag may time :)
The couple before the proposal... see my left
finger, no ring yet
the happy bride to be :D

couple shot after the proposal

Thanks babe for suprising me last night.  I never expected it that you'll be proposing on your birhtday.  Good thing naglugay ako ng buhok haha!

P.S. I love You soo much! mwaaah!!!

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