Sunday, April 27, 2008

My first ever Laptop..

Last April 13, 2008, I bought my first ever laptop. Yey! I'm so excted and thrilled to own this kind of gadget. Thanks to my sis for making me swipe on her credit card. Woohoo!!! Love you sis! :) I remember at the start of the year, I am writing on my notebook (as in real notebook) hehehe... what I wanted to do/have for the year 2008. One of this is to have a brand new laptop. And God is so good, that He answered my prayers and let me own this one. My baby, I'd like to have name for my laptop. Hhhmmm, what should I call this one??? Oh well, I couldn't think of any as of the moment. But, I would come up with a good name soon and I will post it in my blog. :) This is the specs of my brand new laptop:

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