Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ilocos Invasion, April 4-7, '08

For the month of April, I was planning to go to Sonya's Garden with my friend who is residing in Cavite and is just near Tagaytay. But that plan didn't push through; instead, because there was a long weekend scheduled, off we went to the beautiful province of Ilocos together with my officemate.
When I first heard that my officemate is going to Pagudpod, I immediately ask her if I could join her on that trip even if I don't know her friends, I still went with her. In short, um-epal ako para makasama lang. Hahaha!! That was a Wednesday and the scheduled departure was on Friday, April 4. That gives me only 1 day to prepare my things. huwaaattt??? But I can say that the trip was soooo worth it. I really enjoyed it and was able to go and see the sites that Ilocos has to offer. For the 3 days that we're there, I believe that we have pretty much covered all the tourist spots there. From Ilocos Norte to Ilocos Sur and a side trip to Baguio. Wow!!! How was that for a vacation huh??!! In Ilocos Norte, we visited Fort Ilocandia, Marcos' House, Wind Mills, Light House and the beautiful Pagudpod beach. In Ilocos Sur, we went to Vigan which was famous for its historical architecture. We have so much fun in touring those places. We took a lot of pictures on every place that we've visited. Thanks to Irish and her family for hosting us on that trip... :) wink! wink!  And as promised, here are some of the pictures taken during my trip to Ilocos. 

The following places are @:

Fort Ilocandia
The Lighthouse and Windmills

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