Sunday, February 8, 2009

1st Bible Study at the office

My PM (Project Manager) and our Accountant at the office are hosting the first ever Bible Study this  Wednesday after office hours.  And I will be one of the attendee on this  cell group meeting.  This is a refreshing take on the challenge for us Christians to spread the Word of God for other people to get to know Christ in a much deeper level.  We are going to discuss the book that made a great impact to the lives of so many people, and this is the Purpose Driven Life.  We are praying for more number of attendees and hope that this will be a weekly meeting that is open for every office personnel at the office.  With all the going ons around the world, the global crisis we are all experiencing, the instability of every country's economy, during times like these... all we could do is to cling on to God... the Creator of all things.  I hope and pray for God's leading on this one.

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