Wednesday, July 15, 2009

italian foods rock!!!

I've always loved eating Italian foods such as their pastas, pizzas and sandwiches.  I can live by just munching on those food. haha! No offense to our staple food which is rice, but I find my comfort food to be in those three. That is why my favorite Italian chef/cook is Giada De Laurentiis. She cooks quick, healthy and satisfying Italian dishes in her daily show in Food Network's Everyday Italian. Everytime I watch her, I always wanted to try out her recipes.  But the ingredients in her menu is something that cannot be easily found in our grocery stores. Anyone who know special stores selling Italian products??? hehehe

Actually, my inspiration on writing this post was the Baked Zitti with red and white alfredo sauce with bread on the side, and the White Cheese pizza I've ordered a while ago in Sbarro before going to church.  I was craving for it last night pa, and so off I go to Sbarro - Mall of Asia to have my cravings satisfied... and indeed it was.  burp!

What a way to cap off my week... after the hard days work in the office it is just fitting to treat myself with foods that can make my day so cheesssyy!!!

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