Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My life... in the fast lane

Ok, I know it's been what?? 2 months since my last post here in my blog. Too bad for me 'cause I never got the chance to update it and even just merely visiting my blog, I wasn't able to do, because of the tons of work I'm doing at the office. New Year's Day, Valentine's Day have passed and gone and now it's summer time and still, there's nothing new to be viewed here. What a shame!!! :( My life since I started working in Ortigas seems to be fleeting and all are in fast paced. My typical out in the office is 9pm already while everyone is on their homes sitting comfortably in their couches and watching TV, me, I'm still on the road waiting for my ride to go home. So sad, I wish I can do something about my schedule. Oh well... with regards to updating my blog, hopefully, I can be able to update this regularly. I'd also like to change my blog template. I feel that this template of mine is so boring and is not very much pleasing to the eyes. It's time to rev up this blog site of mine to a new level and gear up for a new and exciting events to come for this year 2008. Welcome to my life....

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