Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Travelogue: Pangasinan > La Union > Baguio with Sabre Peeps March 26-27, 2011

Hello everyone who ever might be reading this blog of mine, I'm sure I can count you in my fingers haha!  Sorry for the blog break, I was kinda pre-occupied the past weeks and had a tight schedule in the office.  But now, I have the luxury of time to do my post :) 

Last March, me and my previous officemates had a Road Trip way up in the North
ern part of Luzon.  It's like a "mini" company outing although some of us have gone on different directions already and is now resigned from Sabre, but we still kept the bond that we had as previous officemates and colleagues... Naks!  And so, we treated ourselves for a much needed RnR.  We were 9 all in all so imagine the fun that goes with it haha!  We rented a van that is the coolest van I've ever ridden so far.  Imagine it has a DVD player, videoke and a wifi!  How cool was that huh?!? 
Ok, so here goes our itinenarary.  We started our journey at 3:30AM, meeting place at Tin's house because it is near  NLEX already.  After a 5-hour drive, we arrived to Pangasinan and we're off for a good start.

the gang
the entertainment showcase that comes with wifi connection :)
good morning!
going to Hundred Islands
A 15-min boat ride was needed to traverse the first island and the only island we went into which have the view of all the other islands.  But first, we had to stop to see a  bat cave where it housed thousands of bats.

 And then another uphill climb for the view of the Hundred Islands... whew!

group pic

and of course we had to take a dip into this beautiful beach :)

so a sun tan lotion is needed... oops! too much? :D
after swimming, lunch was served

Then we're off to our next destination which is La Union where the Pugo Adventure is waiting for us :D  La Union and Baguio trip will be on the next post :)

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