Saturday, July 9, 2011

davao experience part 2

We're now off to Pearl Farm this time, we opted for the 4PM schedule of the boat.  From Marina Wharf, it's a good 45-mins travel time by boat.  

Upon reaching the resort at around 5PM, we were welcomed with these breathtaking views...

Then, we went to the reception area to get our keys.  Since our room is on a hilltop, meaning guests need to climb the stairs to get there huwat?!?  Good thing they have those golf cart services for their guests.  So I hop on it :)

We settled in our room for a while, and then we explore the place a bit more.  We swim for about an hour and then dinner came, we had it at the Maranao Restaurant.  Since our package only comes for the breakfast buffet, we ordered ala carte for our dinner.  Then lights off.

The next day, we woke up early because this is the time we will be hanging around the resort for the whole day.  We had our breakfast, and yesss it's buffet already yahooo!!

we woke up with this stunning view of the mountains, trees and the sea :)

After breakfast, it's time to get those shirts off and bask on the sun! yey!!

Check out my yoga pose by the beach... haha!!!

Ok, I'm in no authority doing that yoga pose in a 2-pc bikini with that kind of body nyahaha! Oh well, what the heck!  It's a freakin' beach people so might as well get on with the flow, right? :P

just the two of us *wink*
After all the sun-bathing, it's lunch time!  Again, no buffet table for us :(  So we opted to order the seafood platter.  It consist of clams, prawns, squid and a crab!  But since the clams were not available that time, they just added the serving of the prawns which is to our advantage because we love prawns more than the clams haha!

seafood platter

fresh buko juice

Then, it's siesta time since we're still full...

we just chill and relax on those cabanas

Then swimming again, aahh this is life.  After about 2hrs, we went to the neighboring island of Pearl Farm, it's just a 5-min boat ride to the next island. 

In this island, this is where the sports activities are taking place.  They have the jet ski, kayak, and diving.  Sorry, got no pictures on them :(  But we opted just to roam around the island instead of doing those sports activities.  After a while, we went back to the resort to swim on the big pool.  Yey!!!

the infinity pool all to myself

The day/vacation is coming to an end *sad*.  I wish we could stay there all year-round hehe!  That place is paradise for me.  I felt rejuvenated and recharged after that 3-day vacation.  Another place visited and toured, new memories was kept and tons of pictures taken.  Well that raps up our Davao experience :)

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