Having problems with your finances? Are bills statement piling up in your desk? After reading the best selling books "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and now I'm into the "Parable of the Pipeline" I was struck by the idea of why not having invested my time and money on a business that I believe in and will be profitable for me in the long run?
So I searched for a possible business venture in the internet, asked opinions to my friends and colleagues. Until a friend tagged me along in an orientation for a possible business deal. Well, it's a networking business. Oooppsss! I know right? *Eyebrows raised* me too, whenever I hear of a networking business I usually ignores it and Pass on the opportunity. But this one I think is different. It's a food supplement that helps prevent diseases like cancer. And with a history of having cancers in our family, I was inclined to give it a shot and try this one. The business is called c247 naturaceuticals. The one time membership fee costs P7980 and you can have the following listed below on the picture. For more details on the business and it's marketing plan please visit their website. I'm still new to this business and I haven't had my ROI yet but I'm very positive that with hardwork and perseverance, success will be inevitable and my pursuit to financial freedom will be in my reach.
Hopefull this works for you... all you need in this business is perseverance, commitment and time... I've signed up a lot of this kind of business before, first quadrant, legacy, e-rice, union bank eon, etc. but nothing happens because I just left it alone and i did nothing...
ReplyDeleteGoodluck dude! ;)