Thursday, March 29, 2012

cooking with Glena

I've been an OFW for over 6 months now and I must say, thinking of what to eat every meal is a challenge for me and my housemates.  During our first month here, we've managed to eat out everyday and all I can say is that it's expensive lah! So I have to be creative in the kitchen and whip a decent meal.  And I'm surprised of my progression as a cook!  I can now cook simple dishes that I don't usually cook in our house in Manila.  Although these dishes are no brainer for some but for me, it's an achievement already.  My Pops will be proud! :)  Sorry, as of the moment the only picture I have was the first dish that I've done which is the buttered shrimp.


For the others, I wasn't able to take a snap of it.  I will update this entry as soon as I've cooked again the same dish that I will enumerate here:
- Pork and Chicken Adobo with hard boiled egg
- Spaghetti Bolognese
- Pork steak
- BBQ Porkchop with buttered corn on the side
- Pork Giniling with carrots and potato with hard boiled egg
- Lumpiang Shanghai
- Pork with broccoli in oyster sauce
- Tempura

Wow! Thanks to Panlasang Pinoy website for the tutorial videos I was able to cook all those dishes! I deserve a POB (Pat on the Back) :)


I'm thinking of where this blog is headed to.  My mind is going nowhere in terms of writing stuff to publish in this little space of mine. I've been on blog break each and every time and I pity myself.  There are a lot of things that I want to write about, but there are no words coming out in my head.  So I just shove the idea and just forget about it.  But now that I have plenty of time in my hands for today being on sick leave... hah! I badly needed this leave.  Having Sundays as my only free day is something I am not thrilled about.  I know this is the life of a Consultant - late night, weekend and holiday work is inevitable in our line of job.   We're always in our toes to keep the client happy and proving to them that we are better than the other Consulting firm.  Hey, it comes with the package right?!?  Although I'm very thankful for this job, I'm still thinking if what I'm doing right now really makes me happy.  Am I doing it effectively and efficiently? Am I at my best here?  I wish I could have the answer.  However, doing this job for almost 10 years taught me a LOT of things:  Dealing with pressure, deadlines, accepting failures, doing things all over again, being responsible and owning a task, the sense of urgency and above all camaraderie.  I've met people of different nationalities and culture and I'm grateful to have met them and made friends with them.  Wow! 10 years is loooong man!  But the question still remains...  Am I happy?  I just hope that I could be able to find the answer someday or better yet stand up for the answer (because at the back of my mind I know the answer, I just don't have the guts to stand for it YET!)