Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ilocos Invasion, April 4-7, '08

For the month of April, I was planning to go to Sonya's Garden with my friend who is residing in Cavite and is just near Tagaytay. But that plan didn't push through; instead, because there was a long weekend scheduled, off we went to the beautiful province of Ilocos together with my officemate.
When I first heard that my officemate is going to Pagudpod, I immediately ask her if I could join her on that trip even if I don't know her friends, I still went with her. In short, um-epal ako para makasama lang. Hahaha!! That was a Wednesday and the scheduled departure was on Friday, April 4. That gives me only 1 day to prepare my things. huwaaattt??? But I can say that the trip was soooo worth it. I really enjoyed it and was able to go and see the sites that Ilocos has to offer. For the 3 days that we're there, I believe that we have pretty much covered all the tourist spots there. From Ilocos Norte to Ilocos Sur and a side trip to Baguio. Wow!!! How was that for a vacation huh??!! In Ilocos Norte, we visited Fort Ilocandia, Marcos' House, Wind Mills, Light House and the beautiful Pagudpod beach. In Ilocos Sur, we went to Vigan which was famous for its historical architecture. We have so much fun in touring those places. We took a lot of pictures on every place that we've visited. Thanks to Irish and her family for hosting us on that trip... :) wink! wink!  And as promised, here are some of the pictures taken during my trip to Ilocos. 

The following places are @:

Fort Ilocandia
The Lighthouse and Windmills

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My first ever Laptop..

Last April 13, 2008, I bought my first ever laptop. Yey! I'm so excted and thrilled to own this kind of gadget. Thanks to my sis for making me swipe on her credit card. Woohoo!!! Love you sis! :) I remember at the start of the year, I am writing on my notebook (as in real notebook) hehehe... what I wanted to do/have for the year 2008. One of this is to have a brand new laptop. And God is so good, that He answered my prayers and let me own this one. My baby, I'd like to have name for my laptop. Hhhmmm, what should I call this one??? Oh well, I couldn't think of any as of the moment. But, I would come up with a good name soon and I will post it in my blog. :) This is the specs of my brand new laptop:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

CheQ Systems, Summer Outing '08 Part 2

After our check out in the Resort, we had our lunch then we were toured inside the SBMA vicinity. We visited a colony of giant bats. It is also fascinating to see these giant bats hanging in the trees and flying around. There are also monkeys wandering in the streets. Would you believe that if a driver accidentally hit a monkey on the road, he will pay an amount of $100 bucks??? Woaahhh... so if you're planning to visit Subic, you'd better be careful in driving... hahaha!!! We also had the chance to visit a camp that teach tourists how to survive in the jungle by just having a bolo and a bamboo. It is very educational and fun at the same time. Also, we visited an aeta village but unfortunately, we haven't got to meet them 'cause they are still not at home. All in all, our Summer Outing was a success I should say. Employees get to unwind and have some RnR with their colleagues without thinking the pressures and tons of work that has to be done at the office. And at the same time learn new things and made memories to treasure. Now that's more like it!!! :)

overlooking Subic Freeport Zone

there are monkeys all over the place

and bats too... if they were disturbed they will migrate to other places

@ the aeta village

Friday, April 18, 2008

CheQ Systems, Summer Outing '08 Part 1

As I have promised on my previous entry, I will be posting my summer escapades here in my blog. So here it goes...
Last March 29-30, we had our company's summer outing at White Rock Hotel and Beach Resort. It was a fun and enjoyable experience for each and everyone who attended the event. We got to relax and enjoy the sun and took pictures of the beautiful scenery that the resort has to offer. The downside of the Resort is that all there amenities and the things they are selling cost way too much. It's like 200% increase in every merchandise or food or whatever you wanna buy in there. For example, the Nivea sun block that cost around P250.00 in grocery stores, there, it'll cost you P900 bucks!!! Would you believe it? Is there gold inside that bottle of sun block? And for a single order of sandwich, it's P300 bucks. For those who want to drink alcohol, 1 bottle of Johnnie Walker was P16,000!! OMG!!! I wonder where did they get there price tags? Well, anyway I'm just so disappointed that I never get tha chance to avail of the Jet Ski and Banana boat ride of the Resort. As usual, it cost too much for just a regular employee like me. Hahahaha!!! Nevertheless, the important thing is that I enjoyed the trip and was able to explore different places like White Rock and some tourist spots in SBMA. I am looking forward for the next summer outing. Woot woow!!!