Sunday, July 24, 2011

my family

I love my family, especially my Pops!  Since I've started blogging, I never had an entry that talks about my family as a whole.  And since I've also discovered a new software in presenting my photos, I thought of having my family featured here hehe!
Pictures taken mostly on my niece's 3rd bday party

From L to R: me and sis; with cousins at a party; Pop's girls; now a one big family during Christmas 2010; Pops and tita -  Christmas 2010; the whole gang during New Year 2011; with bro's family at Max's resto; during Pop's wedding with cousins and sis-in-law; Christmas 2010 opening of gifts; Pop's and tita's wedding; the original family

mighty to save

This is my anthem for the day.   Happy Sunday everyone!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Parable Of The Pipeline

I would like to share this story I've read same title as with the book.  This is an eye-opener for a "bucket-carrier" type like me and who would like to transform into a "pipeline builder".  I'm working on it now and by God’s grace I will be a pipeline builder in His time.  This is a long read so please bare with me :)

The Parable Of The Pipeline
by Burke Hedges

Once upon a time long, long ago, two ambitious young cousins named Pablo and Bruno lived side by side in a small Italian village.

The young men were best buddies, and big dreamers.

They would talk endlessly about how someday, someway, they would become
the richest men in the village. They were both bright and hard working. All they
needed was an opportunity.

One day that opportunity arrived. The village decided to hire two men to carry
water from a nearby river to a cistern in the town square. The job went to Pablo
and Bruno.

Each man grabbed two buckets and headed to the river. By the end of the day,
they had filled the town cistern to the brim. The village elder paid them one
penny for each bucket of water.

"This is our dream come true! "shouted Bruno. "I can't believe our good fortune."

But Pablo wasn't so sure.

His back ached and his hands were blistered from carrying the heavy buckets.
He dreaded getting up and going to work the next morning. He vowed to think of a
better way to get the water from the river to the village.
Pablo The Pipeline Man:

"Bruno, I have a plan," Pablo said the next morning as they grabbed their
buckets and headed for the river. "Instead of lugging buckets back and forth for
pennies a day, let's build a pipeline from the village to the river."

Bruno stopped dead in his tracks.

"A pipeline! Whoever heard of such a thing?" Bruno shouted. "We've got a great
job, Pablo. I can carry 100 buckets a day. At a penny a bucket that's a dollar a
day! I'm rich!. By the end of the week, I can buy a new pair of shoes. By the end
of the month a cow. By the end of six months I can buy a new hut. We have the
best job in town. We have weekends off and two weeks paid vacation every year.
We're set for life! Get out of here with your pipeline."

But Pablo was not easily discouraged. He patiently explained the pipeline plan to
his best friend. Pablo would work part of the day carrying buckets, and part of
the day and weekends building his pipeline.

He knew it would be hard work digging a ditch in the rocky soil. Because he was
paid by the bucket he knew his income would drop. He also knew it might take a
year or two before his pipeline would pay off. But Pablo believed in his dream and
he went to work.

Bruno and the rest of the villagers began mocking Pablo, calling him "Pablo The
Pipeline Man." Bruno, who was earning almost twice the money as Pablo,
flaunted his new purchases. He bought a donkey outfitted with a new leather
saddle, which he kept parked outside his new two-story hut. He bought flashy
clothes and fancy meals at the inn. The villagers called him Mr. Bruno, and they
cheered when he bought rounds at the tavern and laughed loudly at his jokes.
Small Actions Equal Big Results:

While Bruno lay in his hammock on evenings and weekends, Pablo kept digging
his pipeline. The first few months Pablo didn't have much to show for his efforts.
The work was hard, even harder than Bruno's because Pablo was working
evenings and weekends too.

But Pablo kept reminding himself that tommorrow's dreams are built on today’s
sacrifices. Day by day he dug, inch by inch.

Inches turned into one foot........... then ten feet............ then 20............. then

"Short-term pain equals long-term gain," he reminded himself as he stumbled
into his hut after another exuasting day's work. "In time my reward will exceed
my efforts," he thought.

"Keep your eyes on the prize," he kept thinking as he drifted off to sleep with the
sounds of laughter from the village tavern in the background.
The Tables Are Turned:

Days turned into months.One day Pablo realized his pipeline was half-way
finished, which meant he only had to walk half as far to fill his buckets! Pablo
used the extra time to work on his pipeline.

During his rest breaks, Pablo watched his old friend Bruno lug buckets. Bruno's
shoulders were more stooped than ever. He was hunched in pain, his steps
slowed by the daily grind. Bruno was angry and sullen, resenting the fact that he
was doomed to carry buckets, day in, day out, for the rest of his life.

He began to spend less time in his hammock and more time in the tavern. When
the tavern's patrons saw Bruno coming they'd whisper, "Here comes Bruno the
Bucket Man, " and they giggle when the town drunk mimicked Bruno's stooped
posture and shuffling gait. Bruno didn't buy rounds or tell jokes anymore,
preferring to sit alone in a dark corner surrounded by empty bottles.

Finally Pablo's big day arrived, his pipeline was complete! The villagers crowded
around as the water gushed from the pipeline into the village cistern! Now that
the village had a steady supply of fresh water, people from around the
countryside moved into the village and the village prospered.

Once the pipeline was complete, Pablo didn't have to carry buckets anymore. The
water flowed whether he worked or not. It flowed while he ate. It flowed while he
slept. It flowed on weekends while he played. The more the water flowed into the
village, the more money flowed into Pablo's pockets!
Pablo the Pipeline Man became known as Pablo the Miracle Maker. But Pablo
understood what he did wasn't a miracle. It was merely the first stage of a big,
big dream. You see, Pablo had bigger plans. Pablo planned on building pipelines
all over the world!
Recruiting His Friend To Help:

The pipeline drove "Bruno The Bucket Man" out of business, and it pained Pablo
to see his old friend begging for drinks at the tavern. So, Pablo arranged a
meeting with his old friend.

"Bruno, I've come here to ask you for your help." Bruno straightened his stooped
shoulders, and his dark eyes narrowed to a squint. "Don't mock me," Bruno

"I haven't come here to gloat," said Pablo. "I've come here to offer you a great
business opportunity. It took me more than two years before my first pipeline
was complete. But I've learned a lot during those two years. I know what tools to
use now, and where to dig. I know where to lay the pipe. I kept notes as I went
along so now I have a system that will allow me to build another pipeline in less
time........... then another........... then another.

I could build a pipeline a year by myself, but what I plan on doing is teach you
how to build a pipeline, then have you teach others and have them teach others.

"Just think, we could make a small percentage of every gallon of water that goes
through those pipelines."

Bruno finally saw the big picture. They shook hands and hugged like old friends.
Pipeline Dreams In A Bucket-Carrying World:

Years passed. Pablo and Bruno had long since retired. Their world pipelines were
pumping millions of dollars into their bank accounts. Sometimes on their trips through
the countryside, Pablo and Bruno would pass villagers from other villages carrying buckets.

The friends would pull over and tell them their story and offer to help them build
a pipeline. But sadly, most bucket carriers would hastily dismiss the notion.

"I don't have the time."

"My friend told me he knew a friend who's uncle's best friend tried to build a
pipeline and failed."

"Only the ones who get in early make money on a pipeline."

"I've carried buckets my whole life, I'll stick to what I know."

"I know people who lost money in a pipeline scam."

Both men resigned themselves to the fact they lived in a world with a bucket-
carrying mentality............. and only a very small percentage of people would
ever see the vision.

This is just a teaser from what is in the book itself.  The author explains more about how can be our pipelines be our lifelines, leveraging using money and time, etc.  So this is a must read book for those who are into financial stuffs and business-minded people.   

Friday, July 15, 2011

harry potter 7

The long wait is over, after 10 years of this movie franchise... It all ends tonight 7.15.2011  for the last installment of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

in pursuit of financial freedom

Having problems with your finances?  Are bills statement piling up in your desk?  After reading the best selling books "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"  and now I'm into the "Parable of the Pipeline"  I was struck by the idea of why not having invested my time and money on a business that I believe in and will be profitable for me in the long run?  

So I searched for a possible business venture in the internet, asked opinions to my friends and colleagues.  Until a friend tagged me along in an orientation for a possible business deal.  Well, it's a networking business.  Oooppsss!  I know right?  *Eyebrows raised* me too, whenever I hear of a networking business I usually ignores it and Pass on the opportunity.  But this one I think is different.  It's a food supplement that helps prevent diseases like cancer.  And with a history of having cancers in our family, I was inclined to give it a shot and try this one.  The business is called c247 naturaceuticals.  The one time membership fee costs P7980 and you can have the following listed below on the picture. For more details on the business and it's marketing plan please visit their website.  I'm still new to this business and I haven't had my ROI yet but I'm very positive that with hardwork and perseverance, success will be inevitable and my pursuit to financial freedom will be in my reach.   

Sunday, July 10, 2011

mercato centrale @ bgc

I've heard of Mercato already being mentioned in the tweets of those people I'm following so I was a bit curious what was the fuss all about.  When my office mate opened a topic about it who is a hassler when it comes to great food tasting discoveries, I quickly agree on visiting the place. We planned to visit the place sometime last month and it was only yesterday morning that our plan was push through since it coincided with our Production deployment, meaning we're on night shift.  So we decided to proceed to the Fort after office hours.  There were 5 of us who went and see what Mercato has to offer and we were not disappointed.

Mercato Centrale is open Saturdays and Sundays from 6 am to 12 noon at the corner of 9th Avenue and 30th St., BGC (look for the covered tent near the Spa of Bonifacio High Street).  It has a wide range of foods to offer.  From barbecues, steaks, lechon, appetizers, desserts, organic food products, vegan fare. Name it, they’ve got it!  But we're there for breakfast, so we have to find a decent meal to full our growling stomache :)  Since we were there early, around 6:30AM, stall owners are still preparing their food.  I've ordered the bbq with java rice that is worth P65.  Not bad after all since one stick is very compact and very juicy.  

But what I'm really after was the Pan de bagnet at Bale Dutung.  It's an oven roasted pork belly enclosed in a ciabatta bun with some vegetable salsa. 

Since I'm full already, I opted to order it for Take out.  I also bought Mochiko, it is a Japanese confection that is made out of glutinous rice flour. Mochiko is filled with ice cream and is eaten as a snack.  I've ordered the vanilla mochiko which is filled with vanilla ice cream.  Once they serve it, let it stay for at least three minutes (to soften it) then bite on it.  There are different kinds of flavors to choose from: vanilla, azuki (red bean paste), green tea, strawberry, caramel, chocolate, avocado, coffee, mango, and black sesame each with a price of P70.  For my next visit, I'd like to try the azuki or the red bean paste and the green tea flavor. 

My officemates tried the quiche, spinach and feta pies, the hungarian sausage, and the paella negra. 

We were all full after that.  It was a great way to end our work week after all. Looking forward for my next visit :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

davao experience part 2

We're now off to Pearl Farm this time, we opted for the 4PM schedule of the boat.  From Marina Wharf, it's a good 45-mins travel time by boat.  

Upon reaching the resort at around 5PM, we were welcomed with these breathtaking views...

Then, we went to the reception area to get our keys.  Since our room is on a hilltop, meaning guests need to climb the stairs to get there huwat?!?  Good thing they have those golf cart services for their guests.  So I hop on it :)

We settled in our room for a while, and then we explore the place a bit more.  We swim for about an hour and then dinner came, we had it at the Maranao Restaurant.  Since our package only comes for the breakfast buffet, we ordered ala carte for our dinner.  Then lights off.

Friday, July 8, 2011

davao experience part 1

A pahabol summer escapades this year.  Managed to squeeze in a 3D2N vacation at the beautiful Pearl Farm Resort in Samal Island, Davao City last June 24-26.  This was at the height of storm Falcon hitting the metro.  I was kinda worried if our flight would be canceled or not.  Our flight was scheduled to depart early morning at around 4AM so I had no sleep at all. But thank God that during our vacation, the weather cooperated and not a slight of rain drops we've experienced in Davao :)

early morning flight at the height of storm Falcon
@ Davao International Airport
my travel buddy: Dude and Me on our way to Marina Wharf

@ the Marina Wharf, Pearl Farm
Because our schedule was an early morning flight, we didn't had the chance to have breakfast in Manila.  So we had our breakfast at the Captain's Bar which is very cozy and inviting. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

a baby shower and dude's birthday!

Ok, this is a late post already.  Last June 17, we were invited for a baby shower that happened a day before Dude's birthday.  

The party was held in Mc Donald's Greenbelt 1.  It was a Friday night, so almost everyone who were invited were available for the party.  

After eating, the program started.  We had a great time enjoying the games that the soon-to-be parents had prepared.  And of course, our gift for the baby is a baby car seat/basket.  

And after the baby shower party, we had an after-party for Dude's birthday!  We trooped to Centerstage, Makati for a videoke night out.  And take note, the only guy in the group was the birthday boy himself haha!  Here were some of our pix.  Grabbed this on Dude's blog

Saturday, July 2, 2011

craving for a mc donald's shake-shake fries

After the release of Kung-Fu Panda2, Mc Donald's also made an awesome come back of their shake-shake fries.  Their shake-shake fries comes with 2 flavors: cheese rush and bbq kick for only P55 each.  You can also go for a shake-shake fries combo which comes with a float.  Either a Watermelon or a Green Apple Sprite float for only P85.  

I remember I tweeted this a few weeks ago that I'm craving for Mc Donald's shake shake fries and after office, I went immediately to the nearest Mc Do outlet to satisfy my cravings.  And then I was happy again! :)

 So go now to your nearest Mc Donald's outlet and order this combo!

blog lovin'

I'm loving the look and feel of my blog now!  Finally, I got the umph that I'm trying to achieve.  Maybe it's because of the ad sense and the banner?  It made my blog a little more eye catching and pleasing to see... well I'm talking for myself of course.  Even though I've been blogging for almost 4 yrs already, I can say I'm still not that adept to it.  With all the new technologies coming out, there are still other ways to make this blog more definitive and profitable hehe!  Well, aside from the aesthetics of the blog what's more important though is still the content of it.  I should be doing my post more often than not!  With this in mind, I am now more challenged and eager to write and compose my thoughts into words and pictures.  So come, take a peek of my baby! :)  Enjoy!

Travelogue: Baguio

For the last leg of our road trip, we're off to Baguio.  From La Union, it was another 2-hour drive to Baguio.  We had our dinner first on ??? sorry I forgot where we ate our dinner haha!  After eating, we went directly to our rented transient house.  It was very homey and all 9 of us have our own space.  

We started the day with breakfast cooking egg, instant noodles, Maling and rice.  Sorry, got no picture of the food.  It was all gone in just minutes haha!

Brian, doing the washing of dishes... sipag! :)

And then we're off for the tour in Baguio.  We went to Lourdes Grotto

No, we didn't climb all the stairs :)

we got to taste the taho with strawberry arnival and it was good... yum!

Good Shepherd for the pasalubong

Mine's View is next

picture with douglas, the famous dog in mine's view

 Then to Strawberry Farm

basket of strawberries
i got to pick a strawberry... fun!
and taste it as well... hihi!
So there you go folks... our awesome 2days 1night road trip adventure.  It's always nice to travel with your friends and colleagues.  Making time for relaxation away from the busy environment in the office and just having the time of our lives... Till the next road trip adventure guys! :D

Travelogue: La Union

Ok, for the continuation on my previous entry, our next destination is La Union which is known for its waves.  Which explains my swimming attire for Hundred Islands, I'm wearing a rash guard because that was what I'm expecting in La Union, to experience surfing.  

But no no no!  It didn't happen :( It was not the reason why where there, it's because of the Pugo Adventure.  

What to expect in this place?  As what the name suggests, it's an adventure!  Expect for a thrilling ride on their three course zip-line, ATV, wall climbing, rappelling.  They also have a pool if ever you want to have a relaxation with your family.  For more information regarding this place, you can visit their multiply account here.

Here are some pix of the guys who did the zip-line and ATV.  

all geared-up and ready to take the challenge

Tin, kaya pa teh? hehe

the boys on their ATV adventure

GO Dude!

I didn't join the guys on the zip-line anymore not because I'm afraid or something.  It's because I was done with it.  I mean I've conquered the fear already during our Bohol trip, remember my post on that?  So I told them, we'll just go around the place and see the scenery and this is what we got.

the swimming pool, it was very inviting :)

at the pool, you can see the zip-line

they also have a hanging bridge

We were all having fun in the place because we've lost track of time.  By the time the boys were done with the ATV, it was almost dark already and it's time to hit the road again.  This time,  going to the summer capital of the Philippines - Baguio! :)